Release Process (part 3/3)

After having followed the various conventions defined by our Git and GitHub processes, we should now be in a good place to take the code that has been produced, get it ready for QA, merge and release it. Every organisation will have their processes and workflows set around this, some good, some bad. I worked with my team to build a robust and practical release process which best suited our needs at the time, allowing for a quick development - QA - release lifecycle. We didn’t quite achieve the continuous-release dream, but we got close.

Issue and Pull Request Conventions (part 2/3)

My previous post on GIT Conventions broke down various conventions around branching and committing code. As part of building a solid process around development, the next area to deal with is that of getting those branches and commits together for a merge and release. This is usually done via some sort of ticket on an issue tracker and code pull request. The following guide was developed as a collaborative effort with my team and lead to a more robust and progressive environment with improved communication and overall general happiness, even though it adds a little extra overhead.

Git Conventions (part 1/3)

Over the last decade or so, I have had the opportunity to experiment with various git usage strategies and styles. Ranging from branch names, to pull request descriptions, a lot of time has been spent thinking about how to best describe our work to convey as much information clearly and concisely to others. There are a wealth of strategies or style guides on how to best utilise the git ecosystem but there is no silver bullet that solves all potential scenarios. What follows is an outline of some of the rules and guides I have incorporated into my daily git life which has best worked for my team and me.

Better Sidekiq Classes

Sidekiq is pretty much the go-to solution for enqueuing jobs for background processing when working on a Ruby-based project. It’s simple to implement, has a clear DSL, and is well-supported by common testing frameworks like RSpec. That being said, and I may be nitpicking, but the standard implementation examples do add a little extra overhead if you wish to be more flexible with your job business logic and additional test setup is required.

Reading List

Disclaimer, there is a wealth of incredible resources and books out there. The following list only contains the small subsection that I am currently consuming. Also, I have been collecting these books for a while so there may very well be newer / updated versions of them available so have a look before you decided to buy, if any of these inspire you.